onsdag 24 november 2010

100 ways to use a hairdryer

Working on a government agency with a yearly budget, much is expected to be finished at the turn of the year. This makes the last months of the year somewhat hectic. One way to stress down is to do something relaxing after work. Me and a friend (below) usually goes swimming. The local bathhouse is quite clean compared to many of the ones in Stockholm. At those bathhouses it was not unusual to try to find a path around pubic hairs, blood and pieces of plaster, going out of the dressing room. I thought it was safe-conduct in Visby, until my friend told me that an old man usually hanging out there was using the hairdryer to dry his butt and crutch. I think you could guess the rest of the story (now I always check he is not there before using it).

1 kommentar:

  1. 1. Usama bin Ladin behind the mask?
    2. The poor man wants a "blow"-job.

    / Robin d.ä.
