söndag 9 januari 2011

Back on Gotland

A new year has started. For some it means that old habits may be put aside and we can look forward and try to improve life. Some people do not care about cyclic breaks, but I think it is good to use in a cognitive way and as a clear cut break in time. Last year was as usual one of wars and natural disasters, as well as further signs of climate change. I look with optimism upon the future, and will not be put down by these primitive sides of human nature. For my own part Christmas was spent in Stockholm, alternating between family time and meeting friends at the pub (somewhat exhausting). After a few days I went up to the county of Hälsingland, to the small community of Delsbo. I spent New Year there, eating good food and drinking a bottle of Champagne. The snow up there being above a meter deep, and the temperature around Christmas had been about  -30 degrees. My wish for this year is that people take some sense and is somewhat more peaceful than last year. 2011 is the year of the rabbit in the Chinese horoscope, a being characterized as a good companion and a watcher of the family as well as bringing good luck. Last year was the year of the tiger, known to represent power and authority. I think the year of the rabbit sounds better if you are to believe horoscopes at all…

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hur ska ni gotlänningar fira 2015 (Getens år)? Get är, trots artskillnaden, det närmsta ni öbor kommer vad gäller lamm.

    / Edert gråsvarta får

  2. Geten tillhör släktet Capra, en gren av familjen Bovidae (slidhornsdjur/partåiga hovdjur). Både geten och fåret tillhör släktet Capra. Med detta sagt vill jag säga att skillnaden är hårfin.

