fredag 18 februari 2011

Archaeological sites threatened by new memorandum!

Today the Swedish government put forward a memorandum proposing a change in the heritage legislation act which will allow the companies to choose the archaeological contractor. Until now there have been up to the county administrative boards to decide which archaeological company that will have the contract, which so far has guaranteed some quality in the work carried out. The new proposal would be a disaster in the monument and archaeological sites management due to several reasons. First and foremost, there is no certification of archaeological contractors in Sweden. Second, this new proposal takes for granted that this change in procedure will allow the county administrative boards to have more time to spend on supervision. In reality it will just put one task away in an already heavily burdened working capacity, and I am doubtful that this may guarantee higher quality in the long term. Third, it will most certainly create lobbyism and unfair deals “under the table”. I really hope that the politicians will reconsider the stupidity of this memorandum which would be one step in the process of dismounting the Swedish heritage legislation act.

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