tisdag 15 mars 2011

Early spring excursions

In recent time small signs of a soon arriving spring have come to the island, although winter still got its hold for a while. Sunny days are well spent outdoors to absorb some energy. Even using the car, Gotland provides an excellent landscape suited for drive by stops at nice sceneries. A beautiful stretch is provided by the southeastern coastline with a few small old style “fishing villages” such as Gnisvärd, Kovik and Djupvik. Along the Eksta coast it is possible to see the elevated islands called Stora and Lilla Karlsö, a summer stronghold for guillemot and razorbill. The period between Mars and June is probably one of the best to travel around on Gotland, since tourist season have not started yet.

fredag 18 februari 2011

Archaeological sites threatened by new memorandum!

Today the Swedish government put forward a memorandum proposing a change in the heritage legislation act which will allow the companies to choose the archaeological contractor. Until now there have been up to the county administrative boards to decide which archaeological company that will have the contract, which so far has guaranteed some quality in the work carried out. The new proposal would be a disaster in the monument and archaeological sites management due to several reasons. First and foremost, there is no certification of archaeological contractors in Sweden. Second, this new proposal takes for granted that this change in procedure will allow the county administrative boards to have more time to spend on supervision. In reality it will just put one task away in an already heavily burdened working capacity, and I am doubtful that this may guarantee higher quality in the long term. Third, it will most certainly create lobbyism and unfair deals “under the table”. I really hope that the politicians will reconsider the stupidity of this memorandum which would be one step in the process of dismounting the Swedish heritage legislation act.

söndag 30 januari 2011

The bear is gazing out from the den

Today the sun was shining for once. I went out with my camera and walked down town and then to the sea. Had a coffee and a sandwich at a local café and then went home to try and reorganize my itunes playlist which I manage to restore from the ipod about a week ago, resulting in coded songs which I must reconstruct manually. The evening sky being in yellow and orange colors and the days a few hours longer I see some light in that tunnel called winter.

onsdag 12 januari 2011

The goddess of fortune did not smile today

Today I had the ambition to go swimming, but I became lazy somewhere down the road and decided to go home instead. The local paper announced that the “Swedish postal code lottery” had drawn the same number as my own. Unfortunately I am not in it, so some of my neighbors are now collecting up to hundreds of thousands of Euro. I guess though, that if I had bought the stupid thing, I would not have won a penny. Things seems to be as normal in other words.

söndag 9 januari 2011

Back on Gotland

A new year has started. For some it means that old habits may be put aside and we can look forward and try to improve life. Some people do not care about cyclic breaks, but I think it is good to use in a cognitive way and as a clear cut break in time. Last year was as usual one of wars and natural disasters, as well as further signs of climate change. I look with optimism upon the future, and will not be put down by these primitive sides of human nature. For my own part Christmas was spent in Stockholm, alternating between family time and meeting friends at the pub (somewhat exhausting). After a few days I went up to the county of Hälsingland, to the small community of Delsbo. I spent New Year there, eating good food and drinking a bottle of Champagne. The snow up there being above a meter deep, and the temperature around Christmas had been about  -30 degrees. My wish for this year is that people take some sense and is somewhat more peaceful than last year. 2011 is the year of the rabbit in the Chinese horoscope, a being characterized as a good companion and a watcher of the family as well as bringing good luck. Last year was the year of the tiger, known to represent power and authority. I think the year of the rabbit sounds better if you are to believe horoscopes at all…

onsdag 22 december 2010

Finally walking towards Christmas

Spending some time awaiting Christmas in a fifteen degrees cold Stockholm. The city is quite calm except on the major shopping streets, since many people have left for the countryside. Tonight I will meet a few old friends to take a pint or two. Chers! 

torsdag 16 december 2010


Soon the freedom of Christmas leave will be a reality. Although liking the work that you do, there is nothing that goes up to be the master of your own time (if you are the slightest sane or at least have a life to talk about) and free to do whatever you feel for. The constant movie that goes in front of the eyes is changed for once and you can hang out with friends or just be with yourself. Chers for free time!